klatsch \KLAHCH\ , noun: A casual gathering of people, esp. for refreshments and informal conversation [German Klatsch, from klatschen, to gossip, make a sharp noise, of imitative origin.] (Dictionary.com)
Dear Readers: Today’s Sound Off!//Comment Klatsch question comes to you from Osvaldo Oyola, Binghamton PhD Candidate in English and former SO! regular, who just couldn’t stay away too long. This November, as always, we are thankful for our fabulous writers and readers.
– J. Stoever-Ackerman, Editor-in-Chief
What sounds constitute “family” and/or how does sound shape one’s view of what family can be in its diverse conceptions?
Comment Klatsch logo courtesy of The Infatuated on Flickr.
Filed under: American Studies, Cultural Studies, Identity, Listening, Nostalgia, Place and Space, Sound, Sound Off! // Comment Klatsch, Sound Studies, Voice Tagged: Sound Off! // Comment Klatsch